Sunday 21 November 2010

Apologies and controversies.

To begin, an apology. I've had a shit-load of stuff  to do recently and I've been mega busy trying to make friends and enemies. For those of you who care, I'm having a sweet time at uni, I have no money and no food but the company's good and I've made at least three friends. 
Things I've done since being here that make me a student - 

  • Not paid more than £5 for any single item.
  • Thrown up in the street.
  • Woken up at half 5 in the afternoon.
  • Become synonymous with obscene traits (namely, asking questions and being my flat's allocated drunkard.)
  • Had a friend cut my hair into an obscure shape.
  • Watched more 'Judge Judy' than any one man should ever do.
  • Picked up a couple of new hobbies - Drawing, dancing like a prick and drinking copious amounts of wine to name but a few.
The list could go on for a while but those are the real humdingers. 

My course has been nothing but exciting so far. It's weird how if you put a bunch of teenagers together and give them the same concept that they can run with it and come up with stuff that's completely individual and at the same time similar to everyone else's. We went on a trip to this place called Gradbach Mill to shoot some short films. We were given a brief to make a film about  'the land'. It sounds a bit pretentious but there were genuinely awesome pieces made, the best of which you can find here. We've been on a couple of course nights out as well which have been consistently amusing; somehow everything we do ends up like an episode of Hollyoaks. Alcohol apparently turns everyone into hormonal, randy kids; it is literally mad.

We got given a brief for another piece as well. The gist of it was that person A is doing something, get contacted by person B and then goes to meet them. Person A resolves Person B's problem then returns to the task they were fulfilling beforehand. It sounds a bit strange, but the  brief gave us a chance for quite a broad creative scope. I ended up doing a film on mimes. Lord knows how I came to that conclusion but I think it worked out. You can watch the finished piece on my Youtube page here. Let me know if you like it or if you think it's shit, either way I'd like your opinion.  

I've got a load of other stuff coming up, so you keep your eyes peeled.

P.s This is a picture of my hair. My flatmate Jen and I don't know how to cut it so we just keep on shaving the shit out of the sides.

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